The Diary

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New York, Aug 31st 1870.

Aug 31 Wed.

At 9 A.M. Sophia and her two youngest boys, Charles and Henry depart for Europe pr. steamer Scotia. My wife arrives too late to see her. We dine at Heims together Engagement of Lizzie Ziegler to young Cassebeer


Sept. 1st

At 12 M. at Rikers office. purchase of Luyster farm to me is concluded. In aft. Petri & I drive there Party at Candidus, who lives at the house. On returning our horses shy and break leave horses + buggy there Mrs. Schedels Carriage upset, but nobody hurt. At L.K. in eveg. board of Trustee meeting

Sep 2d friday.

In afternoon Albert & I drive to Kouwenhovens place and buy the swamp meadow belonging to him at $300 pr. acre, & pay him $100 on account. All our family ret. fr. Long Branch in forenoon, dine at Christs. wife & Reg. Roos along to Candidus on farm.


Sep. 3d saturd.

Our little Alfred badly bitten by Mosquitos. wife buys nets. At 10 A.M. the glorious official News is received that Emperor Napoleon with the whole Army under MacMahon who is wounded capitulated and are now Prisoners in the hands of the King of Prussia, at the Fortress Sedan, near the Belgian frontier. We are all mad with Joy and Excitement Gold down to 114. Am at L.K. Hall in Eve. Executive Com. Talk over the glorious intelligence & rejoicing all over town among Germans


Sep 4th sunday.

Fine day. Excursion to Spring Hill Grove. Enjoy ourselves splendidly. Am a little high. We sing patriotic songs My wife & children with Candidus on Farm.

" 5th Monday.

Closing up purchase of Pike Estate postponed till tomorrow. General Com. meets at L.K. Hall. Resolve not to make a demonstration at present as improper.

" 6th Tuesday.

At 12. closing of Pike Est. country seat, deed to the four partners, pay $20.000 Cash and settle balance of abt 18000 by note at 30 & 60 days. At L.K. in evening singing +c. Cornell song of Bayard Taylors, dedicated to L.K. News that Emperor Napoleon dethroned and the Republic proclaimed in France. In afternoon Tretbar & I to our Country seat supper with Mrs. Candidus.