The Diary

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New York, Jan'y 17th, 1871

Jan 17th Tuesday continued ___

the easterly shore of Newton Creek to Hunters Point and then along horse R.R. track to the lands of Radde & Zollikoffer, show them to Reck, we then drive to Schneider's Hotel and down Bdway to East River where we see the building of Floodgates at the mouth of Sunswick Creek. Drive along Vernon Ave. Ravenswood which is very muddy, cross 34th str Ferry, at store by 3 P.M. Am informed that Marriage of Lizzie Ziegler to Henry Cassebeer is set for 7 P.M. tonight. am at Wedding 7½ P.M. and at L.K. afterwards


Jan'y 18th Wed.

Feel a little Gout in right foot. Keefe one of the Attachés of the U. S. Court called yesterday and informed me that Jury for the term had been discharged. I signed an order for my pay, 5 days & present it to him. At 2 P.M. funeral of Jos. Classen takes place from L.K. Hall Brass Band & 2 Choruses are sung, Ottendorfer makes a speech and a large number of members go along. At 5 P.M. my wife calls for me at the Store, and we drive up to visit father. He is slumbering, but soon awakes. He suffers very much during the night and is rapidly sinking and becoming weaker. There is no Hope for him to recover. Chas. Ziegler, Henry Steinway, who had come from SingSing for Lizzie Zieglers wedding, and Henry Ziegler dine with us. Georgie has been up for the last few days, and little Alfred can already walk if held by one hand. Take Laville for gout.

Jan'y 19th Thursday.

father still sinking, I see him at 5 P.M. he is slumbering so I do not wake him. Reck takes supper with us am at L.K. in evening. Bd. of Trustee meeting, afterwards Mask Committee Session Home late. Weather pretty cold. Still feel a little gout

Jany 20th friday.

Little gout in both feet, & rather cold weather. Tretbar & I engage in getting up statement for both Estates for surrogate At 5 P.M. visit father, he sits in his chair slumbering, is excessively weak and since yesterday has lost his speech to a great extent. We all feel very sad Ziegler & Albert Theodor walk to my house with and sup with me. Frank calls and also Abt and wife, My wife & children all well.