The Diary

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New York, Jan'y 21st 1871

Jany 21st saturday.

No improvement in fathers condition. Theodor reads to him occasionally. Tretbar remains home to fix Estate of Henry St. jr. for Surrogate next monday. Reck goes to Greenwood Cemetery to see how far the Mausoleum has advanced, and reports to me in evening that the Brick Recesses for the reception of corpses are about half way up. Reck dines with and spends evening with us.

Jan'y 22d Sunday.

Fine clear day. Little Alfred is able to walk one or two steps alone. Georgie down stairs again and quite well. At 3 P.M. drive up to fathers house, he is slumbering most all the time, but recognizes all of us. Henry Cassebeer and wife also visit father. I go through the factory and then round the block 54th str. looking at lots. Eat supper at Theodores house. At Steinway Hall in eveg., Fritz Reuter Vorlesung. It is piercing cold and very slippery

Jan'y 23d Monday.

At 11 A.M. Tretbar & I go to Surrogates office, meet Cotterill there, we decide to have final accounting, and postpone things until this day a week. A furious blinding snowstorm commences at 11½ A.M. dine at Schedlers. At 5 P.M. visit father who feels much better, has slept well and thinks he will get over his sickness. I assist him from the bed into his chair. At home in evening

Jany 24th Tuesday.

At 3 P.M. wife, Mrs. Albt, Tretbar & I take a ride in a sleigh through the Park, stop at Stetsons, drive Tretbar to Harlem. I see father for a few moments, he is quite smart and converses with me. Blasius arrives at my house at 7 P.M. I take him with me to the Hoffman House, where Cotterill looks over fathers will and the deeds once more and pronounces them perfect. Am at L.K. afterwards & preside. Albert at Albany

Jay 25th Wednesday.

father reported worse & having passed a sleepless night. Place the three deeds of our Copartnership property on record. See Danl Riker and ask him if he entertains the Idea of selling his place. Then call on Cotterill and ask him to apply for the remainder of the Waterfront at once. Then attend extra meeting of German Soc Wife, Louise & Albt take a sleigh ride, Abt feels sick. At L.K. at lecture of E. R. Olcott in evening