The Diary

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New York, March 4th 1871.

March 4th Sat.

Pay off $20.000. loan to Pac. Bk. It rains badly, News that the German Army has evacuated Paris yesterday Reck takes supper with us. Albert calling we play Cards all eveg

March 5th Sunday.

My 36th birthday. Warm beautiful day. I get my hair cut & look very good & youthful. In afternoon walk uptown with Paula. In evening my wife has arranged a surprise party for me, which is very fine. Hölzel, Reck, Cassebeer & mother there I am again very careful eating and drinking, feel finely

March 6th Monday.

Wife had been somewhat sick. Georgie is getting much better, but must lay quiet. It rains all day.

March 7th Tuesday.

We all drive to our farm. splendid weather, my wife goes along Shooting at barrel & tin can. Theodor has engaged a new gardner who is with us. In evening with Albt at Hoffman House, con-sult with Cotterill, give him draft of my will, show him Tretbars will, he pronounces it proper & good. Albert goes home, I go down to the Liederkranz preside. Home at 12½ A.M.

March 8th Wednesday.

In aft. Fr. Steins & Chas. Schedler call upon me, and we three drive over to our farm. Fr. St. dines with us and then goes up with me to Theodors house. Find Albert sick in bed, feverish, his little Hetty also sick


March 9th Thursday.

Heavy fog in the morning. Reck & I go to Hempstead and view A. T. Stewarts new improvements, which are on an immense scale. We dine at Mineola. Weather magnificent now. At 1.48 P.M. proceed to Jamaica, I there leave application for Waterfront advt with Long Isl. Democrat to be inserted seven times, I fix upon the 3d day of May to make application at Albany land office. We then take a Carriage and drive via Newtown to Hunters Point. Arrive at home at 5 P.M. Hear that Albert feels somewhat better Georgie still on lounge but nearly well. Dine at home with Reck Spend evening together play cards.


March 10th

At Building Com. Savings Bk in eve. Chas. F. True gets job of Carpenter work at $57.000. Together with Ballin & Bissinger walk up town. stop at Restant cor. 5th Ave & 26th str.