The Diary

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April 11th Tuesday.

Still feel a little lame in left foot. At home in evening. Go to bed at 8 P.M. Sargent place paid for by us through A. R. Phyfe yesterday.

April 12th Wednesday.

At 2½ P.M. with Theodor drive to farm, it is beginning to look splendid. In forenoon see Cotterill, find that Phyfe's deed of the Sargent place is not quite correct. At Miss Demorest Concert at Steinway Hall, lady has small voice

April 13th Thursday.

Again down town in the morning, dinner at Schedlers In evening at Miß Cassie Renz Concert. she sings up to G sharp with ease.

April 14th friday.

At 11 A.M. uptown with Reck, take dinner at Alberts, drive over to farm with 12¼ boat. Splendid weather, low tide, Albert Reck and I row around Berrians Island, find water exceedingly shallow between the Island and the main land, most places not exceeding one foot. My wife with the two boys also comes by 3 P.M. We walk across the Saltmeadows, find strong springs of pure sweet water in Rapalyes saltmeadows, we all walk through late Sargent place, view the house which is very fine, walk through our woods, over upper upper end of our Luyster farm, the two carriages stand on Planet Avenue and we drive home. My two boys enjoy themselves hugely. In evening, Albt wife & Reck spend eveg at my house,. I go to Steinway Hall to see the gift swindle Concert, afterward to friday Kegel Club, Klein's birthday Governor Salomon, Kuehne there, also Herr von Shlözer the new German Ambassador at Washington, whom I bid welcome, very fine jolly affair.

April 15th saturday.

Down town, at Rikers office. Obtain deed from Dr. Peters & Brown for 47/8 Acres Saltmeadow, adjoining ours, lunch at Schedlers. Uptown in evening, writing letters +c Theodor has a bad cold

April 16th Sund.

Have my hair cut short. Drive to farm in aft. with Albt Reck Candidus My wife & boys & Paula also there. At mothers house in Evening. Splendid weather

April 17th Monday.

Call at Surrogates Office. Decree's not yet ready. Dine at Bangs with Cotterill. At home in evening, Zieglers, Cassebeer, Reck with us.

April 18th Tuesday.

Fine day. Lunch with Grasse & Uhl at Wiehls saloon. In afternoon meet Lewis at my house to en-large my wifes room during our absence At L.K. in evening. Meeting of Finance Committee.. Preside