The Diary

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New-York, April 16th 1862.

April 16th Wednesday.

In the eve. with Sophie & my wife go to Niblo's Theatre & see the "Enchantreß" very finely done by Miß C. Richings. Fine Performance.


April 17th Thursday.

At the Liederkranz in the eve.

April 18th Friday.

At 6 P.M. go to supper of the Trustee's of the German Savings Bank amuse ourselves splen didly. Leave Ittners at 12.30. A.M. Dr. Wilhelms, W. Aufermann Cassebeer & I then go to Lager beer Saloon in 6th str. stay there till after 2 A.M.


April 19th Saturday,

Have a headache during the day & feel tired

April 20th Sunday.

Go up town with Charles look at commenced houses on 53d str. Give mother $3.50. for having my house scrubbed. Then go to Winkens stay there till 7 P.M. supper time having passed, Charles & I eat a saw of a stew each. Go to the L.K. with my wife amuse ourselves very well. Return home at 12.30 A.M.

| mor. . eve. .

April 21st Monday.

Raining all day. Cold. At home in eve. My wife feels somewhat sick, having got .... . ... ... . . .._ ... ... . ...