The Diary

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New York, Septbr 28th 1872

Septbr 28th Sat.

Splendid weather. Fine Article in the Times. Immense Matinee of Rubinstein who plays superbly and makes a great Success. Business commences to be very good, take 10th bath at Gavrons, eat Supper--tripe--at Mrs. Cassebeers, spend evening at Alberts House, who with his family has returned from Nanuet In afternoon, have long talk with Board of Directors of Philharmonic Society & Grau in relation to Rubinstein


Sept 29th Sunday.

Go down to store, have talk with Grau afterwards meet him and Boehme at Belvidere house, but cannot induce Grau to come to a decision After dinner Albert, Ziegler & Henry St. & I drive to farm. Spend evening at Alberts house. One third of Mill roof tinned

Sept 30th Monday.

New Dreckboss named Flemming commences to work at Bowery Bay and drives things considerably. Mill half tinned (Drill shop front wall up to the windows on Tuesday Octbr. 1st) Albert & I  Governors reception in eveg, we are at Opening of Italian Opera, Luccas first appearance in l'Africaine not a very great success, rather tame performance

Octbr 1st Tuesday.

Splendid day. Albert & I at farm, meet new Dreckboss, Flemming, they are filling up rapidly Chimney 3 feet higher than top of Mill roof. Enggren abandons drilling near Boiler room and will start on the hill near old well. I walk all over the Salt meadows, in evening with wife and Reinel at Rubinstein Concert, Miß Mehlig and Julia Ziegler also there, also Chas. Steinway from SingSing