The Diary

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New York, Jan 16th 1873

Jan 16th Thursd.

Heavy fog & thaw. Thermometer up to 50 in afternoon & snow melting very fast, with wife & Niece at Vocal Society Concert very fine at Monument house afterwards. Tretbar sick at home

Jan 17th friday.

Thaw continues. Tretbar still sick, have to do his work. Business still very slow with us and hardly any orders come in. Mason & Hamlin, Steck & Co. working half time. Albert & Reck supper at our house, Albert with his wife my ladies at German Theatre, Theodore with me at Store, at Monument House afterwards

Jan 18th Sat.

Raining and dreadfully slippery. Reck dines with me at Monument house and proceeds pr. Steamer "Main" to Europe. J. F. Poggenburg calls, has not arranged any thing as to Mortgage at Steinway Hall yet, Phyfe informs me that Moulton will take the Mtges on 58th street. Some 6 Gentlemen of the Fire Commißioners call at 4 PM and examine buildings, express themselves thoroughly satisfied with our buildings, only 3 Gasjets are advised to be replaced by stiff joints in order not to be turned accidentally against the woodwork. Orders and money slowly begin to come in again. Henry Cassebeer & wife visit us in evening

Jan 19th Sunday.

Very cold and slippery, remain home in the forenoon, in afternoon Theo & Ablt come to my house we walk uptown in the middle of the street. Theodore drives with me & wife to my house, eats supper and spends evening with me. outside skin still sore from wearing truss, but rupture seems to me to be much better.

Jan 20th Monday.

Clear cold weather. Poggenburg reports that Washington Life Ins. Co. will take the loan of 50.000 on Steinway Hall, but expects Life Ins. In eveg. see Albert and Theodore, we arrange that Albert insure on the 10 year plan. Stay there until 10½ P.M. Georgie has a bad cold