The Diary

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New York, May 3d 1873.

May 3d Sat.

Raining all day. Ziegler returns our $11.000, as Funk did not execute the deed yesterday, spend evening uptown


May 4th Sunday.

Splendid weather. I am now perfectly well again, walk uptown, dine at Zieglers, in afternoon Albert Ziegler & wife & I, also Henry St. drive through Park & Boulevard to Zieglers lot, afterwards to Schedlers where we dine. Play domino at Zieglers.


May 5th Monday.

Feel perfectly well, dropped use of knee cap dine at Schedlers, see Eschwege, who notifies Funk at Levingers that contract is cancelled they want to tender the deed to Ziegler but he refuses it. Am at German Savings Bank in evening, Building Com. Session.


May 6th Tuesday.

Splendid day. Joseph Mason calls to learn our price for Steinway Hall Property for the Church people who are now using it on Sunday. In afternoon, Ziegler old Cassebeer, Albert & I drive to farm, Steinway Ave. cut at least 400 feet Southwardly by Steam Shovel, also by Flemings men on its southern end quite a distance. Saws being fixed and set, Foundry works nicely. Am at L.K. in evg, preside


May 7th Wed.

At German Society in afternoon. Hoffmann to Buffalo I decide not to go. At home in evening, writing letters.

May 8th Thursday.

Ziegler is served with a complaint from Funk. Finding that Ziegler was imprudent, and that the house figures on our Showcard anyhow, Albert & I decide to take it. Raining all day, eat at Monument house, drive up in Carriage.
Spend evening with Ziegler & Albert


May 9th friday.

Rainstorm continues, take dinner uptown. Meet Guggenheimer at Store, settle Funk matter with him, take Funks deed to Ziegler. At home in evening writing letters. Business seems to improve somewhat of late at Brown Memorial Concert in evening. Have touch in right Kneekehle