The Diary

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New York, Sept 23d 1873

Sept. 23d Tuesday.

financial Matters more quiet, run on Savings Bks ceased. At noon with Dr. Meinecke and Charles Schwarz to farm, go with 2.05 P.M. Stage which is quite crowded. Heis move into the second house, take Chas. Schwarz all over our place take supper with Albert, at L.K. afterwards, preside Singer Cralz down stairs with us afterwards

Sept 24th Wednesday.

fine weather, Henry Clews & Co. failed yesterday, causing renewed excitement. I feel slight gout in Middlefinger of right hand, with Albert & Luther to farm, new blower refuses to work Uptown in evening. Financial aspects still bad


Sept 25th Thursday.

Cloudy day, at 5 P.M. walk with Julia Ziegler to Kahn, buy her new Eyeglasses at $25. also a pair of same price for Mrs. Emma Steins, which I hand to Fred Steins at Steinway Hall in evening. Take supper at Cassebeers, then we all attend the opening of Steinway Hall by Prof. Frikell Afterwards at Monument House

Sept 26th friday.

Fine warm day. Still have slight feeling of gout in right middle finger, eat dinner at Rommelsbachers by boat from Fulton street to Astoria. Very warm, go & return with the Stage. at Zieglers in evening.

Sept 27th Saturday.

lovely day, but very dull business. Take dinner with Zieglers, at 2 P.M. drive with Mother, Mrs. Ziegler & H. Steinway to farm. Very warm. Most of our Men in Mill and foundry have the fever. Home at 8 P.M. Phyfe calls and brings me $7000 in one Thousand Dollar bills for a few days. Remote feeling of gout in feet & right Middlefinger

Sept 28th Sunday.

Cloudy, dark day. Albert to St. Isl. friday at noon financial matters seem to have quieted down a little, drive out with the ladies & Cassebeer baby, take supper at Schedlers play cards in evening.