The Diary

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New York, Novbr 17th 1873.

Novbr 17th Monday.

Rains all day, I see John H. Gafney about Mortgage on my house, he can however not do anything. Am home in eveg, playing cards with wife & Reck. Tremendous Indignation meeting at Steinway Hall in favor of interfering in Cuba. Hall badly damaged seats broke down


Novbr 18 Tuesday.

Snow Storm all night, six inches of Snow, first of the Season Mr. Tonsey, Wales & Dr. Dowling call on me & we verbally conclude arrangements about exchange of my house. Dine with Reck & Sigele, at L.K. afterwards, preside

Novbr 19th Wed.

Cold & gloomy, Papers say that Boss Tweed was convicted this morning, business very dull & money close. At home eveg, with Theo. & Albert fixing reduction in Wages. Wives with H. Ziegler at Union Sq. Theatre.

Novbr 20th Thursday.

Dr. Lellmann yesterday examined me, Rupture looks favorable but outside wound very bad, Sleep without truss at night, & wear elastic truss, use salve, with wife up at Alberts house playing cards

Novbr 21st friday,

cold clear weather, Reck at my house for supper, playing cards

" 22d sat.

Meet Mr. Hurlbut & Lambert at factory, show them all over, in evening all the family at Thomas Concert, afterwards at Monument House In afternoon great commotion, on account of Alberts prices, I promise reexamination

Novbr. 23d Sunday.

At factory in forenoon with Theo. & Albt, adjusting deductions which average about 15 pr. Ct. At L.K. rehearsal in afternoon call at Cassebeers, Nobody in. At L.K. Concert in evening, splendid success, home 2 AM

Novbr 24th Monday

" 25 Tues.

At L.K. with Theodore after working til 8 P.M. Preside

" 26th Wed.

Wives to Theatre, I work home, bathe without truss, all seems to be right, walk around after bath in my room

" 27th Thurs.

Thanksgiving day. After working in Store drive with Reck and Sigele of Stuttgart to Astoria, splendid day, take supper at my house, Eddy & Rieke Kreischer, Albert & wife also there + boys


" 28th friday,

fine day, Pres. Wales calls, set up house agreement with Mr. Lyon his counsel, which is to be submitted to the board tonight Also receive notice that Equitable Life Ins. Company has passed our loan of $100.000. With Albert & our wives at Opera Aidee