The Diary

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New York, March 15th 1874.

March 15th Sunday.

Fine mild day, play 66 all day with wife, then Cassebeer, in afternoon with Albert & beat them, but in eve'g with Reck who wins $2. of me

March 16th Monday.

Young Mr. Grunow assumes his position as correspondent with us In afternoon to Astoria with Shoemaker Ellwanger and Butcher Saltenreich, Rassigas Cellar nearly all dug out, Koch has foundation of three houses quite well advanced. Home in eve'g, wife with Albert Miß Grunow at "Huguenots" Mrs. Albert sick, danger of a Miscarriage

March 17th Tuesday.

Rainy day, find that during my absence a Mr. H. Ohlfield, 152 Hooper street, has called (of Brooklyn E.D.) wants about 200 feet of Waterfront by 150 feet deep for a Stave Yard. Ziegler tells me that Mrs. Albert nearly died last night having had a miscarriage, St. Patricks day very wet, procession under Umbrellas. Am at L.K. in eve'g, at my motion we resolve to assist in the great Charity Concert March 28/74 if properly invited On going home with Gunther in 3d Ave Car, filled with drunken Irishmen, I narrowly escape a fight.

March 18th Wed.

Again a rainy foggy day, clearing up a little towards eve'g, Luther & Reck to supper with us, we then go to the Concert of Miß Brush, which is very fair return to my house, Reck & I play 66 get out even. Alfred a little sick with Headache