The Diary

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New York, May 12th 1874.

May 12th Tuesday.

Am down town, read over restriction on Lex. Ave. Property & find that northerly half is also restricted but not so strongly as the portion with the house on, look at Barnheimers Stores on North street, very fine, see Mr. Barnheimer see Haas, pay for passage both ways for my family, see Kutruff & Co. family party at my house in eveg, Georgie cold much better

May 13th Wed.

Broker Lamson calls and demands his commißion for attempted sale to Hamilton which I refuse. At home in eveg, Luther, Reck Albert & Louise to supper, Julius Hoffmann & wife at my house afterwards, we play Solo 60. wife sick

May 14th Thursday,

My wife sick in bed, home in ev'g

May 15th friday,

Albert & Louise there & Reck, wife up again we men play Solo. 60, Reck & I afterwards play 66 in which I win every game

May 16th sat.

Northeasterly Rainstorm all day, at 3½ P.M. my wife my three Children, the french Nurse Margaret, Chas. Steinway, Jacob Ziegler and Julia Ziegler, also Charles Blasius depart by Steamer "Mosel" for Germany. Business has been very good the past week having packed 60 pianos, the largest number since September, late Supper at Cassebeers, then go to L.K. Donnerstags Preiskegeln, I play 66 and Solo 60 with Biedermann & Maas, quite well come home after 1 AM
