The Diary

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New York, May 27th 1874.

May 27th Wed.

Splendid weather, take dinner at Alberts house, take supper at Cassebeers, work in the Store til 11 P.M.

May 28th Thursday.

Beautiful day, am down town at Meeting of German Society, we elect F. Schack President am at L.K. in eve'g, Present for Jacob Windmüller exhibited there, I play 66 with Winter, afterwards he, I, Maas & Hensel play Casino home at 11 PM.

May 29th friday,

Beautiful day, Golden Wedding of Jacob Windmüller very fine affair. I make a short speech, which greatly affects him drink May wine and Champagne, work in store til 11 P.M.

May 30th sat.

Decoration day, factory, and store closed at 12 oclock, I have a touch in the left knee and have to limp a little.
Tuner Haas grew crazy, and was sent to the Insane Asylum on Blackwells Island this morning With Wehrle, Reck & Wohlers to Steamer Rhein in Carriage, Hess, Bredt, Krüger and Hasse depart for Europe also L. Nyncke and W. Dunker, we drive to Guttenburg over 42d str. Ferry back to New York dine at Belvidere House then play 66 with Reck at my house. Quaker Meeting

May 31. Sunday.

With Reck all over Steinway Hall, he will commence decorating Steinway Hall, small hall tomorrow morning I take dinner up there, we play solo 60 til 6 PM then we drive to Chas. Schedlers place take supper there, I now feel perfectly well. Play Solo 60 again at Alberts, drive home at 10½ PM.