The Diary

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New York, June 6th 1874.

June 6th Sat.

Have hardly slept, coughing and sneezing all night, Business has grown very dull during this week. Albert at Greenwich, Conn Richard H. Savage calls on me. Home in eve'g, send word to Garlichs that I cannot come tomorrow, heavy cold & cough

June 7th Sund.

Very hot, Reck & I to farm, eat dinner and supper with Mrs. Ziegler who stops there since Yesterday with Mrs. Cassebeer, heavy fog in the eveg, get home at 10 P.M. beautiful at the farm, my cold much better

June 8th Monday,

down town, dinner at Rommelsbacher Fritz Steins takes supper at my house, we then spend eve'g uptown with Albert

June 9th Tuesday,

In afternoon drive with Albert to Bloomingdale Insane Asylum, I step in and see the Doctor then drive Albert to Union R.R. depot, then back uptown Go to L.K. in a drenching Storm, play Whist with Hoffmann, Schau & Neymann, do pretty well


June 10th Wed.

Down town, see Mr. Williams at Metropolitan Bank, also Macy at Seamens Sgs. Bk get order to take Haas to Bloomingdale Insane Asylum. See Eschwege, we look over charter of Medical College for Women +c. At home in Eve'g, play 66 with Reck & Dachauer

June 11th Thursday,

Conversation with Mrs. Sackett of Womens Medical College, they had letter from Dwight announcing intention to assist At L.K. in eveg, play 66 with Windmüller beat him afterwards play solo 60 with Biedermann & Poggenburg.