The Diary

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New York, June 18th 1874.

June 18th Thursday.

Splendid, mild, airy day. Haas whom we got from Wards Island, though apparently sane, causes me a great deal of trouble, we finally prevail upon him to sail home next saturday In eveg at L.K. playing Solo 60

June 19th friday.

Many people calling for free passes for our Auction, in afternoon by boat to Astoria, by Stage to our place, find Canalboats on N. S. of Mill being filled in and Riker Avenue finished up to one week work Take dinner with Dorette, in eveg show Lizzie Cassebeer how to play 66 & Casino, sleep splendidly, Douglass sees me in eveg, tell Stevens that Shanty must be abolished, which he agrees to do

June 20th sat.

Call for Passes continues, we are all out, gloomy weather, dine at Heims with Tretbar & Albert, in ev'g at Hoffmann House with Cotterill fix Contract between me and Mrs. Ely to guarantee poßession to College & Hospital

June 21st Sunday.

Splendid weather, at 11 AM Reck & I drive with Alberts horse and buggy to farm, spend afternoon there, take a sail in Henrys little sailboat, but are becalmed it is beautiful there now, everything preparing for the Auction tomorrow, drive Home through Central Park stop at Schult's Soda Water springs

June 22d Monday

glorious weather, Cotterill attends to the settlement of all the business with the Medical College for Women, transfer is made & papers entrusted to Penfield At 11 A.M. Reck & I drive to Astoria via the 34th str
