The Diary

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New York, August 4th 1874.

Aug 4th Tuesday.

Weather cool and lovely, has been so for several weeks, Tretbar and wife depart for Buffalo at 10 A.M. with Dr. Gardner to Astoria Walter has commenced making upper end of Kouwenhoven street, stop at Titus play Euchre with him and Dr. Gardner all day. At L.K. in eveg we sing, am in good voice, afterwards play solo 60 with Biedermann & Poggenburg til 1 AM

Aug 5th Wed.

Beautiful cool weather, Ritchie in town, Business is again very dull, at home in eveg Luther, Dr. Gardner, Wohlers Reck & I, taking dinner with me, we play Kreuz Marriage afterwards. Jenny Candidus and the Cassebeer girls arrive by Steamer Westphalia, Lizzie Cassebeer has a little Boy


Aug 6th Thursday,

Splendid cool day. Hear Jenny Candidus sing, she has a small voice can never be much of a singer, work in Store til 8 P.M. Board of Trustee Meeting in Eveg Play cards with Biedermann & Poggenburg.

Aug 7th friday.

With Luther, Reck, Wohlers Albert, Ritchie to Astoria, trip with yacht in very rough weather to Little Neck Bay, eat dinner at Bayside Hotel Home in a drenching rain, at 8 to my house, play cards with Reck, Biedermann & Wohlers til 12.

Aug 8th saturday.

Rainstorm all day. Eat dinner uptown In eveg Dr. Gardner calls upon me, we play 66 til 12, find that Fingerpad truss makes me very sore, so I must change it.