The Diary

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New York, Aug 25th 1874

Aug 25/ Tuesday.

at 10 A.M. with Cassebeer sen. & jr. and Hermann C. Poppenhusen and Mr. Goetting to Stewart's Garden City, enjoy trip very much, return to Store at 6 P.M. find the following telegram from Mrs. Mills to me, Mills broke his leg +c send some money we are 5 miles from Catskill" At L.K. in eveg, sing WaldAbendschein, am in splendid voice, home at 12½ AM

Aug 26th Wed.

Splendid cool day. Send Geilfuss to Catskill with $200. for Mills, have talk with A. Steigertahl who wants to cut loose from his wife supper at Zieglers, at 8 look at Sun lights, then with Reck & Tretbar to my house play Solo 60 Reck tells me that Mrs. Wehrle was caught by Bertha with Meissner

Aug 27th Thursday.

Cool fine day, have a little cold, go down town, see Fr. Steins, Haas & C. Wilhelms, we dine together at Schedler's. Business grows excessively dull and the outlook is decidedly blue. Steins & Wilhelms take supper at my house, we play 66 til 8 PM, proceed to Jones Wood, hear part of the Combined Concert for the benefit of the German Hospital, then drive to Terrace Garden, L.K. Summernights festival, sing several songs quite nicely, Sing Solo in Wald Abendschein very well. Have a very pleasant time singing Quartetts with Biedermann afterwards, drive home at 3 A.M. Steins & C. Wilhelms stay at my house over night