The Diary

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New York, Sept 23d 1874.

Sept 23 Wed.

Cool splendid weather, orders come in pretty well, but Money rather scarce in eveg, at German Casino 55 West 11th street fine time, make Grand Spread Eagle Speech with great Success, home at 1 AM

Sept 24 Thursday.

fine day. Hanchett from Syracuse has perfected his Apparatus on a style 2 Grandpiano, it is splendid, at Adam Webers in eve'g, we play cards, I win I afterwards stop at Neuss, cor. 14th str. & 3d Ave. play 66 with Nembach & Yost, beat them.

Sept 25th friday,

At Astoria in afternoon, it is very warm walk a great deal, and become very tired In eveg, Opening the Season at Steinway Hall, de Murska Concert, walk a little lame, home at 10½

Sept 26th sat.

Business has very much improved and money coming in more freely. I am still lame a little. At 6 PM. have Fr. Steins Adam Weber, George Kreischer, & Albert for supper, we afterwards play solo 60 in which I win, but lose afterwards $4. in Bluff

Sept 27th sunday.

Am perfectly well. In forenoon with Albert, write specifications for new foundry with him dine at Zieglers, see little Cassebeer baby At 2 P.M. Albert, Dr. Meinecke, Fr. Steins, Henry St. and I drive to Astoria, meet Eidlitzs foreman, Mueller there. Drive to C. Schedler, eat Supper, beat Josephine at 66, home at 9½ PM