The Diary

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New York, Decbr 1st 1874.

Decbr 1st

See Garlichs at his office, also try to see Cotterill, who is out. take my second Steambath, at L.K. with Fred Steins play Solo 60 with Hoffmann, Dr. Baetzendorff & Mueller, win $2.50. Lose in 66 and pay for Champagne. 2d Vapor bath.

Decbr 2d Wed.

At home in eveg. Play Solo 60 with Tretbar, Hoffmann & Reck til 12

Decbr 3d Thursday.

take my 3d Vapor bath have had a remote feeling of Heartburn for several days. Am at L.K. in eveg Board of Trustee Meeting, subscribe $25. to Widow of Heid. Play Solo 60 with Dr. Baetzendorff, Judge Otterbourg and Mueller, win, but finally lose one bottle of Mumm in 66

Decbr 4th friday.

Down town at Bridge Meeting at Metropolitan Ins. Co. Office, at Store in eve'g, writing, afterwards at Schwarz, where I meet Fr. Heyne, Ed. Ernst & Papa Windmüller

Decbr 5th sat.

In afternoon with Col. J. Austin + Dr. Finley to Astoria look at Manufacturing site for a factory India Rubber Galvanizing, they are very favorably struck with the premises, In eve'g at Stiftungsfest of German Club, telegram that my wife has arrived, I receive her at Grand Central depot, Mrs. Robert & Miß Brunn arrive with her. adventure on the way.