The Diary

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New York, SUnday Decbr 6th 1874

Sunday Decbr 6th

beautiful day. At Store in forenoon, writing Uptown in afternoon. Scat afterwards.

Monday Decbr 7th

Enormous shipments of Square pianos on six months time, walk through 18th street to German Savings Bank, afterwards at Schwarz playing Scat til 1 A.M. with Schwarz & Geilfuss

Tuesday Decbr 8th

Fr. Steins & wife, Robert & wife at Supper with us. At L.K. in eve'g play Scat with Heuser, Wilhelms Biedermann, I lose slightly, home at 1 AM

Decbr 9th Wed.

At home in evg. Tretbar, Reck and afterwards Chas. Steinway, We play Skat. Very interesting games come out

Decbr 10th Thursday.

Fine mild weather. Business is growing dull & times even more gloomy although we are shipping pianos heavily on long time. Eat Gänseschwanz with Albert we afterwards play Skat, I win all evening

Decbr 11th friday.

Busily at work all day and til 10½ PM at Schwarz, play 66 with Papa Windmuller, beat him. Home at 12.

Decbr 12th saturday.

Very busy all day. We pack ship, and deliver 102 pianos this week which is the largest amount we ever reached as long as we are in existence. Reck dines with us, he, I & my wife play solo 60 which my wife plays quite nicely, I win pretty heavily, preparing for my Paula's birth day tomorrow
