The Diary

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New York, Jan 31st 1875

Jan 31st Sunday,

Snow & Rain all day. Have Rh. more in my left knee, In eveg, play Skat with Reck & Dachauer win 17 Cents

Febr 1st Monday.

Rh. over night changed into right knee. Tretbar comes to my night house in the morning and fetches me a cable dispatch with the following sad intelligence" Sister Minna five days sick head Typhus died last night" Steinway, Braunschweig
Albert communicates the sad news to Mother, I telegraph and write to Wm. Candidus sen. Philadephia At 11 O'clock with Geilfuss to Court of Sessions to identify Frothinghams Sterns, but he is sick with delirium tremens in the Tombs. I drive home, and in evening drive to Albert & Mother, and consult with them. Afterwards Ziegler Henry Cassebeer, Albert & I play Skat and lose 16 Cents


Febr 2d Tuesday.

Slight improvement in my stiff knees which seems to be more in the feet I send back Prosc. Box for L.K.Ball to Grasse In afternoon old Mr. Candidus comes to see me & again with Albert in the evening to my house. We decide upon consultation