The Diary

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New York, Febr. 20th 1875.

Febr 20th Sat.

Terrible Rainstorm all day, I remain at home, Dr. Gardner calls, prescribes two plasters for me which I put right under the knuckle on under either side of the foot. I can walk without a stick. telegram from Theodore "Rent house again I bring Addie" Go to bed at 9 P.M. Reck takes Miß Flach to Philharmonic

Petri to Florida

Febr 21st Sunday.

Slept finely, can walk pretty well, in afternoon with children uptown, play Skat with Albert, H. Cassebeer & H. Steinway, win 5 Cents, Mr. Schmidt the betrothed of Julia Ziegler there. In eveg play Skat with Reck, H. & C. Steinway lose two cents.


Febr 22d Monday,

Washingtons Birthday, I am at the Store in the forenoon, Jac. Bergtold calls, takes supper with us, Reck, he & I play Skat, I win 25 Cents, walk from Store to House

... ..... _..

Febr 23d Tuesday,

fine clear day, Play Skat again in eve'g with Chas. & H. Steinway, lose 38 Cents, My left foot grows worse, Rheumatism settling in Muscle on top of foot

Febr 24th Wed.

I have to remain home, walk between two sticks, sign Stock account with Albert before Tretbar & Geilfuß as witnesses, In eveg play Skat with Albert & Reck, I again lose 30 Cents Dr. Gardner prescribes Mercurial Powders I do not take them