The Diary

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New York, April 25th 1875.

April 25th Sunday.

Lovely day. Go up town for Dinner, play Skat with Albert, Ziegler & H. Cassebeer, Albert, Theo. & I talk business & examine Theodores new Concertgrand Scale &c. &c Home at 11 P.M. in the Cars

April 26th Monday.

Splendid warm day. Payday Theo. brought from Maxwell information that Montal exhibited Sustaining Pedal at the exhibition of 1862 at London. We find in our Vault a Copy of the Report of the Musical Jury, which I show to Hauff He will transmit copy to Washington I then See Cotterill swear to our complaint as to the Seals to be put on deeds. At home evg.

April 27th Tuesday.

In afternoon with Albert, Theodor and Louise through the Park to Schedler He looks very sick & feeble to me. Eat Supper with Albert, we then drive to my house where Captain Bussius & Luther, Fr. Steins and Koch are.

April 28th Wed.

At 6 P.M. walk to Ottendorfers house, meet him & Mr. Jul. Seligmann there, we drive to West 16th str. meet Senator Carl Schurz, conduct him to Delmonico. Splendid Banquet, and afterwards Fackelzug. I go home at 11 oclock, am a little stiff in my feet