The Diary

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New York, July 15th 1875.

July 15th Thursday.

Albert, wife & Hettie start by 10 A.M. train. N. Y. Central Road for Albany, Buffalo &c
My wife with Reinel & Mrs. Dachauer leave for Newport by New Haven R. R. at 1. P.M. Take lunch at Rommelsbachers Rather hot day. Edward W. Serrell calls on me, up town in evg, playing Whist, lose 43 Cents.


July 16th friday,

Meeting of Executive Com of Bridge, at Wallachs office at 2 P.M. present Mr. Rogers, Wallach, Poppenhusen and myself, we resolve to let both Mr. Harding and Bender temporarily make a report and give us their Ideas. Take 2d Ave. Cars cross 92d Ferry, meet Theodore, go to our place together, hat factory formation started, Lauterbach also digging. In eveg play Whist with Theo., Chas. St. & Chas. Ziegler lose 5 Cents, very interesting game Sleep splendidly on a hard bed

July 17th Sat.

Glorious weather, with Theodore Tretbar, H. Cassebeer, J. Ziegler and the four Boys, Mary, Ziegler's Cook along, make an excursion in Steam yacht, out to beyond Harts Island, fish, Theo. hurts his fingers by fishhooks, splendid trip, home in evening after writing several hours at store, at 10 P.M.
