The Diary

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New York, July 31st 1875.

July 31st sat. __continued__

Board Eberspacher Ziegler, Nathusius, Stechart, H. Cassebeer Theodore + myself, make a rapid trip to Harts Isl. Take the Dr. there on Board, I take a fine swim, Theo. runs the yacht on the rocks, no injury and we soon get off, on our home stretch, I shoot at and hit a sea cow, we pass through Hell gate and can barely stem the tide arrive at 91st street Dock at 730/100 P.M. Take a little supper at Zieglers, reach home 10½ PM

Aug 1st Sunday.

At 9 A.M. pr. train to Nanuet George Alfred & Ella perfectly well. My wife & Paula yesterday went to Newport. In afternoon I drive to Newport Nyack with the two boys visit Lexows with them afterwards

Aug 2d Monday.

Rainstorm all day & evening, take Dinner at German Club, afterwards at German Savings Bank, then at German Club, play Skat with Heidsieck, Moller & Buschman lose $1.36. Cents, at 2 Cents pr. ppoint, home at 12.

Aug 3d Tuesday.

Rainstorm continues, take dinner at Zieglers, have Hair cut, at L.K. in evening play Skat with Biedermann, Heuser & Maas lose 28 Cents.

Aug 4th Wed.

At last it clears up, with Reck, Mrs. Dachauer in Steamer Bristol to Newport, meet Strastny on the steamer, arrive at Newport at 3 AM