The Diary

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New York, Oct 10th 1875.

Oct 10th contd __

place on my discovering that matters extended until a few months ago. We drive uptown with the children, I play Skat with Held, Ziegler H. Cassebeer, lose 3 Cents, supper with Mrs. Albert talk over Theodores new will with him, we execute my deed of Rathgeber house 59th street, home at 11 P.M. have quite a pleasant chat with wife


Octbr 11th Monday.

My wife's birthday, give $5. to each child to present to their Mama, gloomy cold day with Henry Steinway to Cotterills Office, are introduced to Mr. Bartlett, the guardien ad litem, in eveg, Albert & I and our wives to German Theatre

Oct 12th Tuesday.

Cold bright day, Miß Reynolds came to us Yesterday to live, as governess. Yesterday letters from Mr. Flaten, Berlin, and Franz Motter, mayor of Salzburg, the former speaking well of Carl Seyffert, and the latter just the contrary. I measure my children and find that they have each grown fully two inches since last Christmas, at L.K. in eveg, Vorstandssitzung, resolve not to take Gilmores Hippodrome but the Academy for Fancy Dress Ball. Home at 11 P.M. Sleep quite well, Was at Executive Com. of Bridge Yesterday Serrell produces his plan and explains it.

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Octbr 13th Wed.

Very cold, Ice forms at Astoria in the Gutters. At noon Bridge meeting, no Quorum present, but resolved that a Board of Engineers of 3 be employed to select the best plan, Executive Committee