The Diary

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New York, Octbr 16th 1875.

Octbr 16. saturday.

dark rainy and gloomy day Reck has been sick in bed with Rheumatism for several days. At 10.30 AM my wife and Alfred start for Buffalo by fast train. It rains in Torrents. Theodore Albert & wife take lunch with me, Georgie not quite well, at 1 P.M. we drive to Hoboken, and Theodore sails with Steamer Donau. I am deeply excited and for hours cannot master my tears The Rain falls in Torrents all day. Can hardly eat any supper and shortly after fall into the violent paroxysms of grief. Take Hettie uptown play Skat with Albert Louise & Miß Grunow lose 57 Cts.


Oct 17th Sunday.

Clear very cold day. Had a very refreshing sleep, strong westerly breeze prevailing, work in Store in the forenoon, visit Cassebeers, walk with children from there home, take lunch with them, Hettie & Ella spend afternoon with my Georgie & Paula, I spend afternoon in reading carefully through my daily journal from May 1868 to 1872, Maggie calls for a few moments, After supper go out, pass Belvidere, see Stn playing Cards and gaze at him for about half an hour then walk to L.K. play Skat with Maas and Philippi til 11½ lose 16 Cents, Sleep til 4 P.M. when I wake and keep brooding over my terrible dispensation of fate, & further trouble about Rl
