The Diary

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New York, Oct 18th 1875.

Oct 18th Monday.

Clear fine day, telegraph wife children perfectly well. Fred. Steins wife and two boys visit us, also Koch, whom I engage to teach my Georgie and Paula, they are at Supper. I receive telegram from wife that Rl was married last Decbr, it is a new terrible blow to me, I go to Wachtels first appearance Huguenots, he sings magnificently, immense crowd. Sleep very fairly under the circumstances


Oct 19th Tuesday.

Business again lagging and very few wholesale orders coming in, take supper at mothers, Papa Kreischer there who has been to Astoria with Albert, the latter has a fearful headache, go with Henry Ziegler to Steinway Hall, hear the White & Cervantes Concert, then for a short time at Cassebeers, see Stechert and Emma Cassebeer, then to L.K. play Skat with Maas & Hoffmann, come out even Home at 12 oclock

Oct 20th Wednesday.

Slept splendidly at last, Hans von Bülow appeared at his first Concert in Boston Monday night with fair Success. Business very poor, hardly any wholesale order come in. Yesterday afternoon walked through West 16th street and West 22d street with a heavy heart. In eveg walk through 50th str. to Alberts house, play Skat win 7 Cents.
