The Diary

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New York, Octbr 21st 1875.

Octbr 21st Thursday.

Hogan hands me report of perambulations of Stn. up to Tuesday, also Memorandum & letters of Stn. which he lost while intoxicated at 11th street. I hand Hogan $53.00/100. Weather beautifully warm. Koch gave Georgie & Paula lessons in Music for the first time last night. Albert left for Buffalo at 10.30 A.M. today. Theodore Wachtel and wife and Dr. Rohlfs the celebrated traveller call on me in forenoon. With Blasius to mothers house, lunch there, try Centennial Grand. At L.K. in eve'g, after singing play Skat with Biedermann & Maas, lost 55 Cents


Oct 22d friday.

Clear fine day. Business continues very dull in the wholesale line. In eveg. Krackowizer Memorial at Steinway Hall, Arion and Liederkranz assist, I am there with Mrs. Albert St. Miß Reynolds & Rieke Kreischer, we are afterwards at Monument house

registered for election

Octbr 23d sat.

In the morning while rubbing with Towel moistened with cold water, I discover that veins are swelled uncommonly large. See Poppenhusen at 3 PM who promises to see Genl Gilmore & write to Mr. Shreve Engineer to the Rapid Transit Commißion Am at wedding of Emma Cassebeer & Stechert up to 9½ P.M. give present, Soup ladle, then to Central Depot receive my wife & Ditz & Albert there. Ditz brings a dog. Have talk til 1 AM with wife, who tells me about Reinel
