The Diary

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New York, Novbr. 13th 1875.

Novbr 13th sat.

beautiful mild day. Hogan brings report which I see at a glance is quite incorrect. He promises to attend himself or get another assistant. Down town in forenoon, to John Fitch Register, swear to Barney acct, also to Poppenhusen, enter 4th Ave. car at Howard street, see Reeves for first time since July 1872, does not see me; Home at lunch, my wife not home, am at Philharmonic in eve'g, very empty house Madame Falk-Auerbach plays on a very poor Knabe Grand, am afterwards at Thomas Concert, Steinway Hall, very crowded, hear Liszt's Dante Symphony, splendid.

Pay Hogan $50

Novbr 14th Sunday.

To Store, take walk to Fourth street stop at Cassebeers til 1 P.M. see Ida & Mrs. Cassebeer. Wife, George and Paula at 12th street Church. Home at lunch, rest on lounge all the afternoon, conversation of sad nature, Reck, the three boys, Albert & Louise to supper. Afterwards play Skat with Albert, Reck & Henry Steinway win $1.10 to bed at 12 o'clock.


Novbr 15th

Gloomy day, still feel very sad, home to lunch, little Alfred is quite well again with wife to the Opening of Chickering Hall Von Bülow playing splendidly. Accoustics good. Hall very neat, entrance, narrow and steep. Am at Delmonico's with wife, meet Dachauer & wife & Reck there. Chickerings there too
