The Diary

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New York, Novbr 16th 1875.

Novbr 16th Tuesday.

Rainy gloomy day. Papers as a general thing speak highly of von Bülow, say little about the Hall. I continue to feel terribly depressed in spirits, have "Brustschmerzen" constantly Saw young Schroeder from Hamburg Yesterday, lunch at home, find printed notification from Director General of Centennial that our new application has been received and that our Register No is 6252
In eve'g at Cassebeers, afterwards at L.K. play Skat, lose 21 Cents, stop at Neuss, home at 12 PM letters expected by myself & wife did not arrive very exciting discussion, to bed at 2 AM

Novbr 17th Wed.

Slight Snow in the forenoon. The "Sun" contains an interview with Hans v. Bülow, in which he makes the most absurd statements and says very unjust things against us. Lunch at home, lively times all day with friends &c about said article. Albert and my wife to second Bülow Concert in Chickering Hall, I play Skat with Reck, Chas. & H. Steinway win $1.00


Novbr 18th Thursday.

Cold clear day. Much excitement friends coming in wanting me to reply to said article send papers to Theodor, home in evening, have a little musical party, Pagenstecher, Toussaint, F. Steins, Wiebush, Federlein, A. Schlesinger, Dachauer, Albert & wife Rieke Kreischer, Mrs. Steins, Hammacher, Federlein, am in splendid voice, at 12 we take a little supper