The Diary

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New York, Decbr 3d 1875.

Decbr 3d friday.

Slight headache. Wife with Mrs. Albert St. to Nanuet on a visit. Clear cold day, take lunch at Tafelrunde, Business growing somewhat slow again. H. L. Stuart calls and we donate $100 towards H. C. Watsons funeral Geilfuss returns at noon, has Rheumatism in his arm. Dachauer tries to fish out of me the cause of my trouble, in evening at German Theatre "Confusionsrath" given, with wife & Mrs. Dachauer at Dachauers after close of Theatre
first telegram to Natl Provincial Bank

Decbr 4th sat.

Weather gloomy, cold more moderate, Cable from National Provincial Bank, "No account with you explain" telegraph to Anglo-Continental Comp for explanation. Gerson calls on me, and gives me his version of his disagreement with Klamroth In eve'g at German Club, 13 West 24th street, Stiftungsfest dinner, sit between Bissinger & Moller very nice stay til 10½ P.M. then go to Monument house, meet Henry Cassebeer, also Geo. Kreischer and wife home at 11½ P.M. Mr. & Mrs. Dachauer, Reck & Chas Steinway there, also my wife, they are playing 21 Afterwards we have conversation in which both wife and myself are seized with the wildest paroxysm of grief, I have the most terrible Brustschmerzen and pass a partly sleepless miserable night. During the day Wm. A. Tweed escapes from the Custody of his keepers in his house
