The Diary

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New York, Decbr 5th 1875.

Decbr 5th Sunday.

Fine mild day. I feel dreadfully sad and downhearted. At Store in the forenoon, donated $100 to Irving Monument fund. I begin to grow apprehensive that Theodore must be sick, expect a letter by German Steamer due Yesterday but not yet come in. Walk to Cassebeers, afterwards to Schuelers on 14th str. lunch at home, walk uptown with my children Georgie & Paula, drive through Central Park to Lion Brewery, meet Krutina & Neidlinger there, return home by 6 P.M., after supper play Skat with Reck, Chas. St. & H. St. win 15 Cents

Decbr 6th Monday.

Rainy day. letters from Theodore at last from about 14th of Novbr, knows nothing about Reinel where she is. Letter from Candidus, that he received Bartletts letter, and that they have no objection letter dated Novbr 16th, he also explains the cause of his quarrel with Sophia & Johanna. Shipped 51 pianos last week. Call on Bartlett, show him Candidus letter, but he thinks Candidus ought to write to him directly, I therefore send off Cable despatch "Wilhelm Candidus Hamburg " Please answer Bartletts letter forthwith William Steinway" Dine with Tafelrunde, talking about Thalmessinger-Katzenberg School trustee imbroglio; letter from Theo. of Novbr 20th, has invented Stahlblech to improve treble of Grand pianos. In eveg through 50th str