The Diary

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New York, Decbr 12th 1875.

Decbr 12th Sunday.

Mild warm and beautiful day, I walk to Store, past Liederkranz Hall afterwards past Webers factory building to West 16th and West 22d str. no recognition at either place, nor information. Shipped 50 pianos last week, Dachauer calls for me at Schuelers at 1 PM, we go to Delmonicos, meet Mr. Crane there, and we three have a nice lunch together, also conversation. Home at 5 PM, nice Childrens party together, celebrate Paulas birthday which will be tomorrow. Webers and Steins children there also Cassebeers. In eve'g H. St. & Hermann Cassebeer & I play Skat, I win 54 Cents Dachauer his wife, my wife & Lizzie Cassebeer play Kreuz Marriage, Reck C. St.& Hy Cassebeer also play Skat. Herald contains telegram that the english papers are furious over Dr. Van Bulows remarks.

Dec 13th Monday.

Beautiful mild day. I continue to feel intensely depressed in spirits. Our telegraphic line to Astoria works beautifully this morning, home for lunch, at Neuss with Reck & Steins at 6 PM At 7.30 by 3d Av. 50th str. to Alberts house, play Skat with Albert & wife and Reck lose 11 Cents A Snowstorm has set in, Snow several inches deep
