The Diary

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New York, Decbr 17th 1875.

Decbr 17th friday.

Clear beautiful day. Am at Ex. Com Bridgemeeting at 11 Mercer str. Meets Generals Barnard, Gillmore and Mr. Chanute the Engineers there. Take lunch at Tafelrunde call on Mr. Bowne who promises to notify me in case the Schedel Mortgage is foreclosed. also call on Fector, J. Wray Moulds counsel whom I do not find in. Receive 4 Copies each from Hauff of Theodors new Patents, also the assignments, at home in eveg, Reck & Steins to supper with us, play 66 with Dachauer afterwards we play Kreuz Marriage, I win nearly all games. Afterwards have most exciting conversation hold hands, w. assures me that she desires revenge above everything else. Very sleepless night, ... .....


Decbr 18th sat.

felt sore for several days, very clear cold day Mail to Theodor Copies of his last three Patents and design, and Copy of the Chickering Pamphlet, copied by Tretbar. Lunch at home, wife out with Mrs. Dachauer I also write to Ziegler (Chas) in Munich to report about Reinel, of whom we heard nothing since her letter from Southampton Present to Reck as a Christmas Present "The Angler" pay $3.00/100 for the same wife with Dachauers to Academy hear Fechter, I with Ida Cassebeer & H. Ziegler to Lyceum School for Scandal. We afterwards meet at Delmonico', I take Ida home in carriage, Dachauer takes my wife home

w. saw Stn at Acady.