The Diary

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New York, Decbr. 23d 1875.

Decbr 23d Thursday.

Very warm mild day. First Centennial grand comes to Store, and in the afternoon another. Am down town and lunch with Tafelrunde where we have a good deal of fun. At 3 PM Mrs. Ottendorfer and Mrs. Schalk visit me in regard to Widows and Orphans Concert At Bk of Met. at 4 P.M. Recommend a dividend of 3½ pr. Ct. which is adopted unanimously by the Board Gave wife in all $300 extra for Christmas Sent to James M. Freeman the seven Coupons No 74-80 due Dec 1/75 and also No 87-90. as a gift to the Comp In eve'g, Reck & H. Ziegler are fixing the Christmas Tree, while Chas. Steinway and Hermann Cassebeer & I are playing Skat, I lose 95 Cents


Decbr 24th Friday.

Orders coming in pretty well, but money is fearfully slow in being collected Am at Tafelrunde, see Willard Bartlett, no letter from Candidus, so I telegraph at 3 P.M. Wilhelm Candidus Hamburg "Telegraph today to Willard Bartlett New York" Papers received no objections Answer paid ten Words" William Steinway. I then buy Capgun for Georgie, Magnetic fish for Paula, little popgun for Alfred, Colts Revolver for myself. The three boys and Reck with us for Supper