The Diary

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New York, Jan'y 19th 1876.

Jan'y 19th Wed.

Gloomy wet day. Feel excessively depressed in spirits. Down town at 12 oclock leaving $27.781.63 with Alonzo Follet, broker to place, lunch with Tafelrunde, Klamroth will have final fight in board of Education this afternoon. Business pretty slow, but money is coming in fairly so that we are enabled to meet the excessive payments which matured this month. Saw Joe Howard, jr. who promises to pay up within a few days by a note from Merriam. At home in evening, Reck to supper with us, Papa Dietzsch comes afterwards, Albert also comes in, with him, C. & H. St. play Skat and win 58 Cents, Dietzsch & Reck & my wife play 66. Before going home for supper stop at Neuss with Reck, drink two glasses of Prague Beer. meet Mayor Gunther, Bartschman and Müser there

Jan'y 20th Thursday.

Clear dry cool day.. At 11 AM through 13th str. to Poppenhusens Office, whom I do not find in, lunch at home, when I return find the Card of Henry Petit, Chief of Bureau Centennial, who it appears called during my absence, he calls again, have quite an interesting talk with him, at L.K. in eve'g, Bd. of Trustee meeting, feel a touch in left foot, home at 11½ PM. Reck at my house in evening talking to wife & Miß Reynolds