The Diary

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New York, March 13th 1876.

March 13th Monday.

Rainy morning. Receive 8 orders, but no money. I have slept comparatively well. At 6 PM to Papa Kreischers birthday 63 years old, merry party, both Charles & Eddie Kreischer engaged to the two Wanies girls who are very nice indeed Mother also there. Home at 12 oclock


March 14th Tuesday.

Fine clear day, but stiff Westerly wind so that Bremen steamer Weser, due here last saturday, not yet in, until 12. Home at 6 P.M. (lunch at Delmonico with Sanford) after some exciting words with wife, I step out at 7½ P.M. take a walk from 18th street and have long and earnest talk with Louise Krusi who, on finding that I know all about it, tells me heartrending details. I arrive at L.K. more dead than alive, play solo 60 with Müller Hoffmann & Neymann, afterwards 66, lose $1.85 altogether am quite stiff in right foot, Home at 12, during the night wife comes, shivering, into bed with me

March 15th Wed.

Cold and clear. I feel as though death was welcome to me, and when I see my children my heart almost breaks. I am stiff in both feet and have to walk quite slowly. letter from Theodore in which he states that he will start March 4th or 5th and stay at De Kaisers Hotel til April 12th. This seems so improbable that I telegraph as follows: Maxwell 28 Baker street London: Is Theodore there yet" Steinway Business is miserable. At 2.20 P.M. but 4 hours after sending Message Maxwells Answer comes in "Sailed Seventh"