The Diary

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N.Y. March 17th 1876

March 17th friday.

After a dreadful Night, I go into my wifes Room am again seized with such an uncontrollable paroxysm of grief, that I am almost choking, and my heart almost bursts. I spend all afternoon trying to get a Quartett together for tomorrow, and walk a great deal. St. Patricks procession greatly retarding me. In Evening Mr. Adolf Goepel is at my house, takes supper with us & plays cards with wife & me til 11 PM.

March 18th sat.

Cold windy day. All Steamers sadly behind time Bought Quartetts Orpheus of Schuberth Yesterday who tells that Bulow would like to try our new Centennial Grands &c. &c. At 12½ A. Goepel, A. Pagenstecher, Tretbar and I try the Quartetts Integer vitae & Über allen Wipfeln ist Ruh bei Kuhlau, at 1 P.M. we proceed to Senator Schurzs house No 40 West 32d street, there Goepel & Ammann, Tretbar, Pagenstecher & Mosenthal and I sing both those songs quite well, Dr. Frothingham making the speech very well. I feel unspeakably sad and downhearted with the conviction that noble women like Mrs. Schurz must die, while atrocious monsters who deliberately bring eternal disgrace and infamy upon their own children will continue to live__ Grünewald in New Orleans informs us that our Pianos took the premium over the Chickering & other pianos Very boisterous weather. Albert & Louise at our house, we play Skat, the boys being also there, I win 56 Cents
25th Anniversary of Ziegler & Dorette wedding, celebration postponed

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