The Diary

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New York, March 19th 1876.

March 19th Sunday.

At Store in forenoon, at dinner with Albert, go through factory with him, quite a number of style 1 Sq. Rosewood pianos in Varnishroom back home at six oclock, weather very boisterous, all steamers behind time, play Skat with C & H Steinway, lose 90 Cents

March 20th Monday.

Meet L. Smith on way to Store, down town at 11 A.M. at Court of Common Pleas Schlesinger suit which is off for the term, Otto Meyers trial going on. Lunch with Tafelrunde, Home in evening talk with wife til 11½ PM. Telegram that "Mosel" had passed Sandy Hook and would be up at 6 P.M. Proceed immediately to Hoboken, blinding Snowstorm, Albert, Dorette and Henry Cassebeer there, we take a supper at Park Hotel, return home at 8 P.M. as "Mosel" will not be up today. Home in evening.

March 21st Tuesday

March 21st Tuesday.

Up at 7 A.M. Thick fog, Albert & Dorette call for me in Carriage, we proceed to Hoboken, stand around on the wet dock, until 12 when it clears up, and the "Mosel" arrives. Both Theodore & Johanne well, Holwede with them. I have a brief hurried conversation with Theod. tell him that I know all, we drive & lunch at Schuelers, then to Store, then Theodore Albert & I drive up in Carriage & the heartrending explanations take place, in which I convince my brothers that terrible as it may be, "divorce" is the only solution
