The Diary

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New York, April 1st 1876.

April 1st Sat.

Cold clear day, lunch at Schülers, I continue to feel dreadfully dejected, constantly having to think of the poor innocent child & its monster of a mother and how I will bear it all when the matter becomes more widely known At 5 P.M.take a walk up to Madison Square am home at 6 P.M. remain home, Play Skat with Hermann Cassebeer. and Ch. Steinway, lose 93 Cents.


April 2d Sunday.

Beautiful warm day. Work in the Store in the morning. Albert & Theodor (who suffers under a severe cold) enjoyed picking out pianos for the Centennial Rackermann also there. Home for lunch, have talk with wife, tell her how she behaved at Newport, she is very impudent, so I become satisfied that no reliance whatever can be placed upon her promises. Am at L.K. in afternoon. Antigone rehearsed. I sing Solo in Quartett, am in fair voice. Walk up to Store and work til 6 PM. Home for supper, play Skat with Reck, Ch. & H. Steinway, win 57 Cents, Dachauers there

April 3d Monday.

Rainstorm again. Business very poor only two orders coming in. George H. Smith calls, tells me that the School is very much crowded, there being now over 80 scholars. In evening with Theo & Albert, fixing up Description of Patents for our Centennial Pamphlet, and pasteing the cuts into their proper places. I get home at 12 in a fearful Rainstorm