The Diary

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New York, June 6th 1876.

June 6th Tuesday.

Lovely day. Elbow still strained Papa Kreischer invites me to Excursion Steamer Josephine. At 11 AM am at the U. S. District Court, when Judge Blatchford excuses me for the term, much to my gratification With Chas. Steinway at L.K. when telegram comes from Albert to come to Phila. the next morning Our Cook Friderike Funkler leaves us, I pay her wages up to June 18th. Come home early from L.K.

June 7th Wed.

Depart with 7.30 A.M. train, arrive Phila at 10 A.M. Yesterday all the pianos were moved to Judges Hall. but General Oliver being sick trial postponed to this morning, nearly all the pianomakers are in the entrance in front After some delay Albert, Theodore & myself go in and we explain to the four Jurors, Kupka Schiedmayer, Bristow and General Oliver our points of excellence in the Grandpianos & action We take dinner at Laubers, spend the afternoon pretty confident of victory, towards evening Albert & I walk to Schiedmayers house, who tells us that both Oliver & Bristow are our enemies and that Kupka makes "Mennle" Albert & I ride to Blasius house Springgarden str. tell Theodor who gets into terrible excitement, and Albert is very sick, we

June 8th

rise early the next morning, after telegraphing to Tretbar