The Diary

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New York, June 26th 1876.

June 26th Monday.

Find that I have Rheumatism in my left knee, but can walk, proceed by Desbrossis str. Ferry & 7.20. train to the Centennial, it is dreadfully hot, I meet Schiedmayer after brief explanation, he takes me to Judges Hall, where I have a long and earnest conversation with General Oliver, telling him the Kupka Bristow borrowing affair Then meet Schiedmayer & Albert at Trois Frères, where Schiedmayer gives me $500 to take care of for him and then depart by 2.50 train for N.Y. arriving at my house 6½ P.M. with Tretbar & Theodor make report for Mackney Hall Exhibit then go to bed & sleep splendidly

June 27th Tuesday.

Fred. Rathgeber goes by first train to Phila, takes report & french pamphlets there__ Business seems to be all dead and gone. It is again very hot & close. Mrs. Sophia Fricke has sore eyes, Theodore has a carbuncle under his arms. Fricke & wife visit Cassebeers in New Jersey, Albert telegraphs to meet him at his house. After taking a bath I go up there take supper with him, he reports Examination of Machinery Hall products by Dieffenbach Schiedmayer & General Oliver, tensile strength obtained 6500 #s, afterwards Kimball sends for Albert has long conversation with him tells him that Weber & Bristow had seen him on the subject, and advises Albert to make him a statement in writing to be used in
