The Diary

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New York, June 30th 1876.

June 30th friday.

Meet L. Nyncke with her baby in Irving place tells me that her husband ran away, At 11 AM down town Cotterill left for Mill Brook on Schroon Lake Warren Co. N.Y. yesterday. Dillenbeck informs me that Cotterill yesterday at 9 AM went before Judge Donohue who appointed R. M. Henry, 38 Pine street Referee in my divorce suit. I try to see Eschwege who is not in, take lunch at Tafelrunde, back to Store at 2 P.M. Receive $10.000 from the Medical Hospital Lexington Ave I receipting $20.000 on the Bond. & releasing all interest up to Decbr 30th 1876. In eve'g at Zieglers Fricke & wife there, he sings very finely indeed We eat some Oysters at 3d Ave, then retire.


July 1st sat.

Write long letter to wife, send Int. to Louise Deppermann, Bechstein & Hijan leave for Europe in Steamer Donau, Fricke to Astoria in the morning, Ellen, our Laundress, leaves for Ireland in the City of Berlin. Pay the servants in the house all up to July 1st Albert & Schiedmayer from Phila at 1 P.M. We dine together at Union Square Hotel, Albert & wife with me to Schedlers, where we take a little Supper, meet Hermann Uhl there, then drive home 175th street children asleep and well

July 2d Sunday.

Terribly hot all day. Georgie has a headache at 1 P.M. Theodore, Johanne, H. Ziegler & Papa Ziegler & wife Schiedmayer call, we then drive to Schedlers, have a splendid dinner there, afterwards through Park to 52d str. then to Hippodrome, terribly hot, Concert of Sängerverband home at 11½ P.M. Notwithstanding heat, sleep very well 98 degrees in the afternoon