The Diary

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New York, Novbr 3d 1876.

Novbr 3d Friday.

Fine day. I have a bad attack in my right knee and have to ride to store in a carriage & walk between two canes. Walk home however, write letters to Europe, Mrs. Evers & Paula having gone to Steinway Hall to the Recital of Hermann Linde. To bed at 10 PM

Novbr 4th sat.

Attack much worse, suffer terribly, still drive to Store, stay there & work til 4½ P.M Tretbar goes down for me and settles with Chas E. Strong for balance of $22.000 of loan for Bank for Savings. Drive home again, find Mrs. Dachauer there, crossquestion Mary, Therese and Ellen in her presence. In eve'g Mr. Tretbar and wife call we play Skat & I lose 26 Cents
Mrs. Evers and my children to Phila, at 12½ oclock

Novbr 5th Sun.

Clear day. Am somewhat better, stay home all day, read, lay down, receive a letter from Herbert Vandyke, in eve'g, Albert & wife call we play Skat, H. St. also comes, I win 55 Cents Sleep very quietly

Novbr 6th Monday.

Can walk slowly without sticks, Sale of our Steam Yacht for $3500 Cash to C. Fitzenreiter, have therefore nearly $90.000 Cash on hand. Give to Danziger loan of $24000 and cancel first Mortgage of $34000, taking back $58000 in four first Mtges of $14.500, also pay off Dorette Ziegler, Papa Kreischer sells his 13 lots for $70.000. F. Steins with me in eveg. I tell him nearly all, we cry together. My Rheumathism very bad, knee badly swollen, I take Blairs pills again and drop the Salicyl pills
