The Diary

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New York, Novbr 18th 1876.

Novbr 18th sat.

Gloomy day, very busy, lunch at Schülers Henry Weisser from Buffalo at Supper with us, we then go to L.K. Kegelpartie of Cassebeer & the boys Hoffmann there, home towards 12 o'clock, Weisser stops at our house

Novbr 19th Sunday.

Rainstorm all day. Children to Sunday School & Church, I am at the Store in the forenoon, reading and comparing documents drawn by Berger to rectify error of Rüppel documents lots 20 & 21 Block 46, and Hanschild, block No 42 and lots 44 & 45. I slept very little last night. With George & Paula to Albert. He is well again, Louisa up. We all stay there to Supper. Afterwards play Skat with George Kreischer, Albert and wife, finally win 4 Cents. Home at 10.30 P.M.


Novbr 20th Monday.

Violent rain storm all day N. Stetson assumes his position as Salesman with us. Interview with Dachauer in relation to his intended Mangeot & Paris matters


Novbr 21st Tuesday.

Rainstorm in Court again. Home in eveg writing. Lunch at Tafelrunde


Novbr 22d Wed.

In Superior Court Give Testimony in Howell case before Judge Spier, lunch at Tafelrunde At Essipoff Concert in eveg

Novbr 23d Thursday.

Times contains our Machinery award published in list, am in Supreme Court, Scharnberger case not called. Ottendorfer at lunch am with Tretbar at Hoffmanns, after conversing play Skat win 37 Cents walk home feel stiff in right knee.