The Diary

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New York, Decbr 10th 1876.

Decbr 10th Sunday.

Terribly cold, I feel much refreshed after an unusually sound sleep, I walk to Store at 11 A.M. Meet Dachauer on the way to Church, home at 1 P.M. to take lunch Paula's birthday party today, although her birthday is on the 13th. Steins Children to lunch, Other children, Toussaints, little Webers, little Cassebeers in afternoon, Mrs. Steins also there, I am with my mother, then visit Zieglers then Albert, go through Chickerings answer with him, and also other matters. Little Ella quite sick with Scarlet fever, Mother has Erisypela, is better. Albert, his wife & I play Skat;, I lose 2 Cents


Decbr 11th Monday.

Snow & Ice. Mrs. Evers tells me that Mrs. Jansen called twice yesterday very anxiously to see me, she sends again today to know when I would see her, am very busy all day, Cotterill calls at 7½ P.M. taking me to little Hall above Cantrells shoestore, where a mixed chorus sings I help in the tenor, but it is mostly too low for me, Cotterill accompanies me to my House we chat til 11½ P.M. At 7 P.M. Wehrle came in great excitement, has had a number of interviews, and Ida, the Cooks statement was denied by Mrs. Jantzen, and the Meissner story, both by Reck and Bertha at Wehrles