The Diary

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New York, Jan 16th 1877.


great applause. 19 New Candidates are proposed of whom I propose 8, viz. Henry Steinway, Charles Steinway, Henry Ziegler, Hermann Cassebeer, Albert Klamroth, E. C. Preiss, Otto Toussaint, Albert Pagenstecher. Walk home with Nembach & Grasse,

Jan 17th Wed.

Fine day. John C. Freund left for Baltimore last night, in order to make up between Wm. Knabe & Co and ourselves viz. to settle the suit against them so foolishly begun by Otto Sutro, he telegraphs that he is hard at work in the matter. I lunch at Staatszeitung Rathskeller. Both Russell and Nordheimer are in town. The latter asks questions about my late wife, Tretbar has to post him. I drive up to Alberts house in a Sleigh, eat Gänseschwanz, splendid, afterwards play Skat with Albert & Louise win 43 Cents.
Give Klebs $5.00/100

Jan 18th Thursday.

John C. Freund comes in from Baltimore, reports hard work. Sutro to withdraw Suit, but Controversy will probably arise, N. Y. Times has probably paid for article about Steinway-Knabe suite, also eve'g papers.I despatch Stetson to Phila to compare Jones handwriting at Centennial with scurrilous letter handwriting mailed to General Oliver last June. Phelps comes in tells me that he had long talk with Weber, who intends to do nothing in answer at present. I have a terrible row with Ritchie, & finally take his check for about one third of our Claim

Send Klebs & family over to Astoria to Heiss Cottage