The Diary

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New York, Jan'y 21st 1877.

Jan'y 21st Sunday.

Cold clear sunny day. Am at Store in forenoon, working, then walk with Children to Cassebeers, lunch at home. Children to Webers in the afternoon. I to Albert in afternoon, go through the factory, then to Zieglers with him, find only Dorette in Albert & I to Kreischers, I take supper there, I then go to Cassebeers, where Ida's birthday is celebrated meet her beau, Dr. Hesse, I sing several songs, am in fair voice, at 11 P.M. to Teutonia Stiftungsfest or rather 25th anniversary. I meet a number of old acquaintances, stay there til 2 A.M. & make a little speech which is well received. To bed at 2½ AM

Jan 22d Monday.

Snowstorm all day, letters from Sutro with Newspaper slips with Sutros and Knabes Cards. Sutro also telegraphs that he has replied thereto. I feel pretty well, notwithstanding the few hours sleep Darcie reports to me at my house in eve'g that Knabes card will appear in tomorrow mornings papers. To bed at 10 P.M. Sleep well

Jan 23d Tuesday.

Knabes Card in all the morning papers am all day engaged in penning reply, Mr Freund aiding me. At L.K. in evening correct printed proofs which Geilfuss takes down to Tribune, Times & World. At the meeting I preside & propose for Membership Edward Colell and William Ottmann, withdrawing Pagenstechers and Toussaints Name. Walk home with C. Held.
Give Klebs $5.00 Hogan $100